When I realized that the easiest and best way for me to relax was to watch science videos or read a science fiction book, I knew that science is the subject I am most passionate about.
I am very grateful that we can see the beauty of life in this world because of how our eyes evolved; there is a sun, and colors exist. I find grace in knowing that plants ensure our survival by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, and we are providing what they need in return. I feel humbled by the recognition that our planet is just one of many in the universe.
Science shows us there are unlimited things to explore and learn, and we have each other here on Earth as a big family.
Rube Goldberg Machine for Science Olympiad Competition
I chose to be on the Rube Goldberg Machine (Mission Possible) team because I love hands-on projects, and I am glad I could contribute to the team by utilizing my drawing skills. Though it was very unfortunate that most physical projects, including this one, were canceled by the New Jersey Science Olympiad Steering Committee due to the concerns of COVID-19, I cherish all the time that I spent together with my team members on building our machine and all the new things I have learned during the process. I sincerely hope my sketch will help future team members easily understand our design so they can use it to facilitate theirs for next year’s competition.
World Changer: Modark
No bigger than a typical dinner plate, Modark is a portable, easy-to-use tool that can be unfolded in seconds to rescue you and your family immediately from the dangers caused by natural disasters such as storms and floods. Strengthened with a unique graphene net structure and made of a special light and waterproof fiber, you will be safe and sound no matter the emergency. In addition, you can adjust the temperature of the fiber from 60°F to 85°F for maximum comfort through the built-in smart pad. Your desired temperature will be reached nearly instantly because graphene is highly thermally conductive.
The specially designed, multifunctional windows are also a game changer! You can select three modes—rescue, invisible, and light—and the smart pad allows you to switch between the three easily. The rescue mode is on by default. In this mode, the windows reflect sunlight during the day and flash white laser light at night so that Emergency Rescue personnel can quickly locate the Modark. On the other hand, if you choose the invisible mode, the windows no longer reflect sunlight nor shoot out light at night, which makes you practically invisible! Finally, the window will light up inside the tent/boat when the light mode is selected.
The product also comes with a tarp made of a transparent version of the same material as the Modark. It can be used as an overhead cover for rainy days on the boat version or as a ground cover for the tent version.
Bacteriophage: The Natural Weapon That Only Kills Bacteria
Bacteriophages are by far my favorite organism in the world! If we imagine antibiotics as man-made bombs to kill bacteria, then bacteriophages are the naturally existing missiles that only kill specific bacteria with no harm to humans and animals. I found bacteriophages by accident when I was browsing science videos on YouTube, and I was immediately captivated by this fascinating creature. I did a lot of research on this topic and was very excited to share what I learned with fellow students and friends. When I realized barely anyone had ever heard of it, I decided to make this video so that more people could know about it. I believe phage therapy will open a new era for infectious disease treatment as it can be widely used to fight drug resistance and kill superbugs with much fewer side effects and lower costs!
Solar-Powered Car
Designed and made on March, 2020
Human activity is overloading our atmosphere with global warming emissions, such as carbon dioxide, which has caused significant harmful impacts, from violent storms to more frequent wildfires, sweltering summers, rising sea levels, and extinction. Things like vehicles, air conditioning, the use of electricity, and the increased production of farm animals and crops all contribute to global warming, while clearing trees or not regularly thinning overgrown forests is making the problem worse.
That’s why in modern times, it is critical to come up with different ways to get the things we demand but still be able to prevent or at least slow down global warming. One would be using renewable sources, like converting sunlight into energy. I have made a small solar-powered car with a solar panel on the back, one motor, and four wheels. It functions just fine under the sun; if we enlarge it and change the shape, it could actually be a real car. Of course, one motor and solar panel probably wouldn’t be enough then, but by this concept, saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas production definitely isn’t impossible.
Homemade Violin
I designed and made this violin on 2/10/20. It was quite a process of doing research, drawing the design craft, preparing the materials, and assembling the parts. But it is enjoyable to play with it, and it worked!
Leprechaun Trap Made in 2nd Grade
My sister and I put this design together in 2nd grade before St. Patrick’s Day. The trap had two stories. The top story was where the bait (a piece of chocolate) was placed. The appeal could be seen from the outside of the box. However, when the Leprechaun ran to the chocolate, he fell into the lower level because the pathway he had to cross would turn when he stepped on it. We chose to use a plastic box as the lower story so that it would be easier to see if we caught our prey. The best part is we put stairs for the Leprechaun, which perfectly hides the lower story. Though (of course) we didn’t catch any leprechauns, we are still very proud of our intelligent design years later!